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Provide Your Input on the Draft Plan!

It’s time to provide your input on the draft comprehensive plan!

On Monday, December 9th, the Town of Boone hosted the third of three public workshops for Boone Next, the process to develop the town’s new comprehensive plan. During the Monday night Public Open House, the planning team unveiled the first draft of the plan. The night began with a presentation of the planning process and an overview of the contents of the draft plan. During the rest of the Open House members of the Boone community reviewed the plan chapters at multiple stations and provided their input.

Didn’t make it? That’s okay! The draft plan, PowerPoint slides, and station boards are all available here. Please also submit your comments to us using the comment box. Comments will be received over the holidays until January 13th.

What’s next?

Edit the Plan – The planning team will incorporate minor edits, such as filling in placeholders, updating some maps and photos, and adjusting some of the language in the plan.

Incorporate Community Comments – Comments received by January 13th will be reviewed and contribute to further updates to the plan draft.

Finalize the Appendix – The appendix, which includes policies for four focus areas and the implementation matrix, will be finalized and uploaded upon completion.

Public Adoption Process – Once the plan has gone through a full round of edits, it will begin to make its way through the public adoption process, including a special joint work session with the Planning Commission and Town Council, a joint Town Council/Planning Commission public hearing with Planning Commission’s and recommendation, and then the Town Council public hearing and adoption.

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